Yogam (Traditional & Non-Traditional)

The modern life is chained every where with tensions and worries.
It is surely out of the style which we ought to follow. Our worries, hurries and other problems have made our life a tiresome one.
Is there a solution for this?, Yes there is one, the answer is Yoga. A person who practices Yoga in scientific and traditional way can get free from the cleches of tensions and worries.
Physical and mental heaths are equally important. Thus mental and physical health can be assured if you can spend a little time for Yoga.
Spend a little time for Yoga, live a long time with Yoga.
Basic course (Non-Traditional short term course)
- Asanas, Pranayamam, Kriya yoga, Meditaion and Soorya namaskaram
- Advanced asana practices
Ashtanga Yoga (Traditional with Dheeksha)
- Yama -Niyama-Asana-Pranayama-
Prathyaharana-Darana-Dhyana- Samadhy. - Yoga soothes bhashyam
- Siva Swara Yogam
- Other traditional Yoga